For all other info please visit my website WWW.MIKEBUGOUTMUSIC.COM

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dubrovnik Croatia!!!

Hey everyone! Hope the summer is going as great for you as it is for me!!

I just returned from Dubronvik Croatia. For those of you who don't know, I am half Croatian and have family over there. I had a great time and even got to play at one of Dubronik's best clubs "Fuego Club"

Here's a few photos of the trip.

Special thanks to my cousins and family and friends I made out there. Just for you guys, here is a special mix dedicated to all of you. I called it "Hvala" which is the Croatian word for Thank You =)It has the mellow, chilled out vibe that I felt out there.

Can't wait to return next summer!

Download the mix here--->

As the summer comes to a close, remember I have two HUGE events to close out the summer. Sunday August 30th I will be spinning @ AVENUE (long branch, nj) with an all star DJ lineup and then Labor Day Weekend Sat Sept 5th I will be closing out KARMA (Seaside Heights, NJ). Hit me up for info!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

4th of July CD!!

Sorry for bein late with this one....but if u didnt get the CD, here it is!