I just returned from Dubronvik Croatia. For those of you who don't know, I am half Croatian and have family over there. I had a great time and even got to play at one of Dubronik's best clubs "Fuego Club"
Here's a few photos of the trip.
Special thanks to my cousins and family and friends I made out there. Just for you guys, here is a special mix dedicated to all of you. I called it "Hvala" which is the Croatian word for Thank You =)It has the mellow, chilled out vibe that I felt out there.
Can't wait to return next summer!
Download the mix here--->
As the summer comes to a close, remember I have two HUGE events to close out the summer. Sunday August 30th I will be spinning @ AVENUE (long branch, nj) with an all star DJ lineup and then Labor Day Weekend Sat Sept 5th I will be closing out KARMA (Seaside Heights, NJ). Hit me up for info!!