For all other info please visit my website WWW.MIKEBUGOUTMUSIC.COM

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Thanks everyone for checkin into my blog! This will be a place for you to check out my latest mixes and monthly charts. You'll also be able to find out about upcoming parties and events I'll be spinning out, as well as read reviews of how parties go.

I decided to try out this blog thing being that I don't have an official dj website and myspace is often unreliable (to say the least). You can always check out my myspace ( or email me

Please note that any mixes you download are made for promotional use only! PLEASE if you like any of the tracks you hear in the mix, purchase them from the artist and support the guys making this great music. Most tracks can be found on and various other mp3 download-for-purchase websites.

enjoy & party safe--


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